Expelling Fear Through Breath Work

Breathing is another great way to expel fearful feelings. When we get frightened our breathing
automatically gets rapid and shallow, reducing our oxygen intake and making us feel smothered.
To counteract this, spend several minutes breathing slowly and deeply. Focus on expanding your
lungs fully from the bottom (feel your abdomen expand first) to the top (feel your chest
expanding second). Pause for a moment or two, then exhale slowly, allowing your lungs to
deflate. Pause again before inhaling, and repeat as many times as you like.
You can even enhance this breath work by imagining that you are inhaling cleansing white light,
feeling it spread through your body, and then exhaling a cloud of dark gray or black energy,
which symbolizes your fearful feelings. With every exhalation, see the dark energy growing
lighter and lighter as it is expelled from your body, until eventually you are inhaling and
exhaling pure, sparkling white light.

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